Monday, January 6, 2014

Futile attempts with homework and boys

Imma be completely honest for a minute.
So I decided to be boy-free this semester. Well, I more decided that I wouldn't want a special man in my life. Because my attempts to find one have been futile thus far. And the one willing to put up with my craziness will eventually come around. I'm hoping. Possibly in less than 10 years if I'm lucky. And I'm willing to wait for the perfect one for me. That's why I decided to take a chill pill.
Then I sat down to do my homework. And I got bored. And my determination to not want a snuggle buddy shattered. Because I'm bored.
And that is why we shouldn't have homework. It leads to me not being satisfied even though I am blessed to have ridiculously awesome people around me (more like in my life because there is no one physically in the same room as me right now).
When homework is not on my mind, I'm totally fine. So just say "No" to homework. I do. In my head.